Sunday, July 26, 2009

Kids Sewing Ideas from Little Green Cottage

kids sewing
This month Creating Country Threads Magazine has a kids sewing theme which I am very proud to be apart of.

I strongly believe that teaching kids how to sew is very important. It's a skill that they could benefit from for the rest of their lives.

From a very early age each of my three children showed an interest in learning how to sew. This probably had something to do with the fact that their mum was often sewing and hence they wanted to be a part of the action.

At first they were happy just to play with the contents of my ribbon box and then soon progressed to threading buttons onto string and then to sewing around a design that was drawn onto cardboard. Before long they were sewing with felt and then fabric.

For years I enjoyed teaching groups of kids how to sew during school holidays. My classes were always full to over flowing and I enjoyed seeing the delight on their little faces when they creating something special. This lead me to designing some simple kids sewing patterns which can be found on the Stitching Cow website.

When Creating Country Threads contacted to ask if I would like to contribute to their kids sewing special naturally I was thrilled. I designed a simple project suitable for a little girl's bedroom. It incorporates fusible webbing and simple appliqué. My kids always loved sewing on buttons so I decided to add this element into the design as well.

kids sewing

kids sewing

I also designed a cute angel ideal for hanging on a door knob.

kids sewing

So if you have a little person in your life who would like to learn how to sew, then you must grab your own copy of Creating Country Threads this month.

kids sewing

There are some fabulous kids sewing ideas for you to discover.

Feel free to leave a comment about the types of projects you have enjoyed whilst sewing with kids.

And don't forget to check out the other kids sewing pattern ideas in the kids section of the Stitching Cow website.

Until next time happy stitching!
Warmly Lenna

Monday, July 20, 2009

Project for Australian Country Threads Magazine

I must tell you a story about a recent project that I was commissioned to design for Australian Country Threads magazine. It's more of a confession really and you must promise not to tell anyone in my family, especially hubby.

In fact after hearing what I did feel free to add your own story to this blog post just to make me feel better.

When the lovely Danielle rang me from Australian Country Threads magazine to design a project for an upcoming stitchery special, I was thrilled. We decided on a doll pattern which also thrilled my Miss 9 who seemed eager to claim another doll for her bedroom!
The task gave me an opportunity to have a break from my new quilt project and after acquiring the perfect bundle of fabrics I set to work.

As my new doll design took shape it came time to paint her boots.

I decided to paint them jet black and to finish them with a coat of varnish. After applying a thick coat of paint I had to decide on the best method to dry them. Glancing out the window I was determined not to venture out in the cold and instead decided to hang them on a small clothes line I had in the lounge room.
I made this hasty decision despite two facts that were glaring me in the face. Number one, the small clothes line was crammed full with a load of white washing, and number two it was positioned very close to the window and my lounge room curtains.

BUT with wet boots in hand and few options available to me (I hadn't really thought this step through) I headed to the indoor clothes line...reached for some pegs and carefully positioned the legs with the wet, glistening boots so that they dangled in a small gap between the wet white washing. So far so good, or so I thought!

As I went to walk away I bumped the clothes line so that the boots swung in the air and brushed up against my beautiful blue Laura Ashley curtains. For a moment I could not believe what I had done. I froze in time as I glared at the big black blob of paint that was now on my curtains. My only comfort was that I was on my own and none of the kids or hubby had witnessed my moment of shame. Or heard the gasp of horror escape my lips (which was really a mouth full of bad language) The next 10 minutes was spent scrubbing and scrubbing and scrubbing again until my bad deed had been hidden. And I am very relieved to report that the paint mark did come off although after a difficult fight!

Here are the little black boots at the heart of my crime.

As you can see my doll design has a hand embroidered apron and petticoat.

And here is a photo of Lizzie

Seemingly unaware of the stressful moment her boots caused me.

So now you know my secret. My little moment of madness. Any sensible person would have known that wet black paint, white washing and blue curtains were never going to be a good combination, but not me.
Please make me feel better by sharing any moments of madness related to sewing projects that you have experienced. I promise not to tell anyone!!!

And don't forget to look out for Lizzie in an upcoming Stitchery special of Australian Country Threads magazine coming soon. Or feel free to check out some of my other softie and doll patterns listed on the Stitching Cow website

Warmly Lenna

Monday, July 13, 2009

New Block of the Month Pattern - Month 5

No prizes for guessing that the next block in my block of the month quilt is Ba Ba Black sheep.
Here are a few peeks at the block.

A few black sheep grazing on the hill top amongst the daisies.

And one black sheep jumping the fence.

Stay tuned for Month 6 coming soon.
Warmly Lenna

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Nursery Rhyme Quilt Progress

Black Sheep 3 by

Guess which quilt block I am currently working on at the moment?

black sheep by weenah3.

ba ba black sheep by 'Playingwithbrushes'.

Truth is I'm a bit behind because this week my email crashed grrrrrr! and I had a publishing deadline from Australian Country Threads. Hope to have the finished block to share with you soon.

Warmly Lenna