Not being very interested in football, Miss 16 and I decided that we should go for a wander around the quaint township of Richmond, which is a visual delight. The town is one of the oldest in Tasmania and has proudly retained many of its original stone cottages and buildings. Richmond is most famous for its convict made bridge which is the oldest in Australia.
I was delighted when Miss 16 made mention that she had her sketch pad in her bag and that perhaps we should sketch a scene together. Miss 16 is very artist and is always sketching, whilst mother has not sketched just for fun in a very long time. So the idea was exciting although a bit unsettling, especially when Miss 16 announced that she had only packed two black ink pens which meant that there was going to be no room for error. Yikes!
We eventually decided on a scene and settled ourselves on a park bench. The idea was to record what was in front of us in a short period of time. We didn't want Hubby to notice that we had both disappeared from the football sideline.
We both started in and did not look at each others sketches until the end. It was amazing how different our interpretations were.
Here is my sketch.
And here are some close ups.

Unfortunately I do not have a picture of Miss 16's sketch, although I can tell you that it was very good and much better than mine.
I was lucky enough to find a picture on Flickr of the side of the building we sketched. It's the white building on the right.
Reliving this afternoon now I appreciate how wonderful it was.
Far more important than the sketches was the special memory that we had created. I fondly remember us both sitting there in silence, sharing a creative moment and enjoying each others company.
It was very magically and will be remembered for many years to come.
Until next time, have fun.
Warmly Lenna