Last week was all about the kids and tomatoes so that's what I should write about.
Once in a while I take time out from Magazine deadlines and future pattern designs to make some things for the kids. My son has had a quilt in the making for 2 years now. Well it's almost finished it's just the hand quilting to go. Sadly over summer it had been shoved in a corner and neglected. When we redecorated his room this year in preparation for high school the fact that his bed was missing his quilt glared me in the face. In an attempt to make myself feel better I rushed to retrieve his quilt from the corner and placed it on his bed, masking tape and all. I then decided that some new matching cushions were needed and planned those for next weekend. Here's the quilt in question.
It has a panel of appliquéd buildings at the top and some crows.
Three cushion covers emerged very
quickly Sunday afternoon. I had no pattern and I didn't even sketch them on paper first. Very unlike me, but surprisingly I found the whole process very liberating.
Here they are:
As I placed them on his bed I felt very pleased with myself and my Son's smile touched my heart.
I had crocheted the girls a scarf each last weekend so this was his little treat.
On scarf inspection for this post I visited number one daughter's bedroom (it is a mess!!!) but she has her scarf hanging with her favourite grey coat which is a great sign that she really likes it. I think Mum has done well.
Here is the other one for my youngest daughter.
And I am excited to say that out tomatoes are finally coming in so we spent some time in the Autumn sun visiting the veg patch . I'm hoping to have enough to make some relish this year. Although they look so good in the bowl that I almost don't want to cook them.
And finally Hubby was traveling up North this week with work so I sent him on a quest for fabrics to make daughter number one a bag for her birthday. He came back with this linen and some Amy Butler fabric which will be perfect. Yikes hope she doesn't see this post!
To think I was struggling to find something to share with you.
This week was about the kids and the tomatoes but that's OK!
Until next time!
Warmly Lenna
Hi Leena,
I must say how much I appreciated reading about what you have been up to this week. I have just had an arthroscopy and have a very bruised and painful knee. Being unable to drive has kept me at home and my contact with friends has be curtailed a little. But of course I am getting so much sewing done. Thanks for making my day
Cheryle Wheadon
Port Macquarie NSW
The girls scarves are pretty and your son's quilt is adorable. I really like the appliqued panel and the fabric colors. Isn't it wonderful when you get a smile of appreciation out of the younger generation.
They're great Lenna.
I have some wraps to get working on crocheting for my girls.
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