As a mother of 3 children who adore all manner of crafts, I was always on the look out for sewing projects for kids. All too often I couldn't find anything that was suitable, this was especially true when the kids were younger and lacked the skills needed for most patterns.
In light of this I was not surprised when Danielle, the editor of Australian Country Threads contacted me recently with a project request. In a past conversation Danielle had expressed her excitement at stumbling across the kids section on the Stitching Cow website. She was both impressed and relieved to find patterns there especially designed with kids in mind. Thankfully the team at Australian Country Threads are taking on the challenge themselves and have decided to focus an upcoming issue on sewing projects for kids.
Naturally I was keen to be involved and immediately took pencil and paper in hand and jotted down some initial ideas.
These evolved into some colour sketches.

Cute little girls started dancing across the paper.
And then another emerged.
I sent both design ideas through to Danielle and she phoned me soon after.
"I just love them, can we have both?" she beamed.
This conversation took place before Christmas but as usual I have left everything to the last moment. They are now due for the post on Friday and I haven't made a start!
Yikes please don't tell Danielle.
I had better go and start sorting through my fabric stash for some yummy fabrics to work with.
I'll let you have a sneak peak at them before they go on their journey.
And don't forget to keep an eye out for Australian Country Thread's special issue jam packed with sewing projects for kids, my Miss 8 year old will be very excited I'm sure.
Chat again soon.
Warmly Lenna
So far they look like they will be great and I am sure the kids will love them as they look easy enough and appealing to the kids.
What a great idea. I have a 10 yo daughter and an 8 yo son who both enjoy doing a bit of sewing but thinking of ideas that they can bring to fruition can be hard. I love your designs by the way!
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